A few months ago, I attended one of those art sales at the Centurion Center on Colonnade Road. To say it was a zoo would be an understatement. With doors scheduled to open at 11 am, people were lining up early, ready to go. Doors opened and the stampede ensued. I managed to get in and get out in a mere 40 minutes with two paintings for the dining room. Unfortunately at the time, I did not see any dark frames that I liked so a new search begins.

I was back and forth on the dining room rug issue. Do I or don't I? I finally decided "I do". On the advice of Robbie, Prestige saleslady, she recommended I go to a carpet store and purchase a "border rug", which is a piece of broadloom with a stitched border. I decided to check out my local Home Depot and was not prepared - my 6' x 8' rug was only $49.99! Not wanting the rug to overtake the decor, I settled on a very light green rug, which will complement the paintings and the dark floor / furniture.

I had purchased a set of ready-to-hand curtains from Bouclair however I believe they conflict with the paintings so I will return them for a solid color curtain. I'll post when I have decided.
As well, the search for the perfect light fixture continues.....
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