Tuesday, March 16, 2010

28 days to go

Well, I'm into the final weeks of renting and every day is an eternity. I took a chance today after work to try to sneak a peek at my place. Well, easier said than done. Due to the amount of construction traffic and home owners arriving home from work, it was a mad house. As there was a flurry of activity on my street, I could only look from a distance. Booooo....

But not to be deterred, I decided to go and run errands and return at a later time. Well, after a visit to Indigo books, Bouclair and a bite to eat at Kelsey's, I decided to press my luck and return to the scene. When I pulled up there was no construction traffic which was a telltale sign to GO FOR IT! I discovered my siding is well on its way. Yay! So feeling bullish, I checked the front door and entered carefully. And right there, in front of my eyes, on the way upstairs, was carpet - beautiful, soft comfy carpet.

OK - here's where it gets weird. I crawled up the stairs on my hands and knees as I didn't want to be detected with dirty footprints and saw a sliver of my newly installed hardwood. Yay!
As I slowly slithered down the stairs on my butt, I saw a carpet remnant lying on the floor and I smuggled it out for design purposes. Not one of my proudest moments. Now if I could just locate my paint swatch....

Overall, I breathed a sigh of relief. My color scheme, while good on paper, was always a question mark with respect to cohesion. Up until now, I was always wondering how everything would look and flow in the house. But everything seems to be coming along better than I ever expected.

As this was an unscheduled trip, I did not have my camera so in honor of all things wonderful, I give you Matt Damon instead.


  1. Nice to hear Shannon, for a moment I thought your photo of Matt Damon was going to be a reference of you going all Jason Bourne on your home (sneaking in and being all stealthy).

    I hope to find the courage to do that when mine starts being built

  2. Good thinking on the carpet. When I went for my trim inspection there was a piece of it in the garage left from the installation the day before. Didn't even think of grabbing it!

  3. Nessie - I laughed when I saw your post. I did feel a bit like Jason Bourne!

  4. Freyja - I lucked out on the carpet sample! It's been so helpful over the weekend to pick out new bedroom accessories!
