Well, I've decided to start to tackle the daunting task of furnishing the dining room. Yesterday, I went to a local lighting store in a half-assed search for a light fixture for the dining room as the current fixture is just a cap. I found a couple of options and am looking for feedback:
Well, it's been a while but I'm back! The last 4 months have been crazy and it's been great! I LOVE my new house and my new neighborhood. The proximity to work and all amenities is convenient and makes life so much easier. I've included a few pics of the new digs...
This is the street view. The sod is a few weeks old and the paved driveway is 2 weeks old. The house faces west so I get the nice warm afternoon sun. This will be very nice in the winter - in the summer, not so much as it heats up the main living area. But with the trust A/C, this summer has been bearable.
This is the master bedroom. It may look small but what you can't see is the dresser to the left as well as a walk in closet and an entrance to the master bathroom. I have two windows - one facing west (seen in the picture) and other window facing south. Since there is another row of townhouses directly to the south, my blinds stay closed permanently.
This is my living room. I've tried to keep the colors neutral in all areas and add snippets of color through accessories such as draperies, pillows, rugs, etc. I love this room as it is an open area with the dining room and the kitchen.
This is the kitchen - from the point of view from the dining room. The breakfast bar is great for having breakfast and reading the newspaper on the weekend. Excuse the mess...the picture was taken on the spur of the moment.
All in all, its been a whirlwind 4 months but as I settle into my new home, the headaches & frustrations have all been well worth it.