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Well, I am officially 2 and 1/2 months away from closing. As each day passes and I get closer to the big day, I am creating To-Do lists, sorting items that are to be donated, packing things up that I won't be using in the next 10 weeks. I've been asked by a number of friends "Why are you packing so early?" and I simply respond with "So I don't have to do it later". Because before I know it, it will be later...
Since I have been so busy and pre-occupied with the inside of my new home, it dawned on me that I didn't know what colour the outside of my house would be. So, earlier this week, I emailed my customer care coordinator, Steve, and asked him what my exterior colours would be. His response was as follows:- Brick - Aztec Sandstone Buff
- Siding - Sandcastle
- Fronto Door - Trading Post P2053-5
- Garage Door - Saddlery Tan
- Shingles - Oakwood or Heatherwood
Now, I went to the Sales Centre to try and get a picture of the colors but the front desk assistant wasn't really sure of the colours with the exception of the brick. The brick will actually be a reddish-orange color which I am happy about. And if the samples on the display are indicative of the other items, it will have lovely curb appeal. Since I forgot my camera, I have no pictorial of my visit.
Before I went to the Sales Centre, I stopped by the house to see if anything was new. I peeked through the front door and lo and behold, sheetrock was piled in the laundry room AND it was actually ON the walls going up the stairs. I peeked upstairs and noticed that the insulation was done with the vapour barrier. I also wanted to check that the duct joints were taped - a little something I picked up on Holmes on Homes this morning. Thanks Mike - duct joints were taped!And finally, kudos to the construction workers working on Block 46 - it was incredibly cold and windy this morning and you guys were working hard! I'll bring coffees next time I stop by!!
So today was a BIG day in the life of Honeygate Happiness with the arrival of the framewalk! This morning, I met Adrian at the house after acquiring a stylish blue hard hat from the Construction office. Adrian and I met on the main floor and to say the least, I was so happy! It's a surreal experience to see something materialize from a floor plan to framing. The framing is complete, rough ins for plumbing and electrical are done, windows are installed. Adrian and I reviewed all the upgrades, both structural and design, on all three floors and made notes as we went along. From a newbie perspective, everything looks fine to me.
And the big question - should I anticipate any more delays? To which Adrian replied, no. Woo-hoo! He told me that April 13 is looking very good and that any scheduling for deliveries and movers can be done for that time. Holy moley!Up next, there will be a framing inspection and once that's been approved, insulation and drywall will begin. I've included a couple of shots (out of 127) that I took today. I was told by many people to take many pictures and so I obliged. Enjoy...Dining Room
Living Room #1 -
looking from Kitchen
Living Room - top of stairs from Foyer
Breakfast Bar - looking into Kitchen
Just after arriving home from work today, I received a phone call from Jen at Mattamy, requesting to schedule a time for a framewalk this week. In my haste and excitement, I said "how about Tuesday morning?" and she agreed. According to Jen, I will show up at the construction trailer at nine, wearing suitable footwear and will be provided a hard hat. I have packed up my framewalk checklist, clipboard, pen, tape measure, level, calculator, camera and a happy, positive attitude!
Well, I went out for a Swiffer and came back with a receipt for a laundry pair. I thought I would simply stop in at Dufresne furniture and have a quick chat with Robert, the salesman I met a couple of months ago when I was researching. Well, a quick chat turned into a yeah-ring-that-up-for-me type of conversation.Since I am not used to dropping big cash like I have been of late, once the initial sweats and feeling of fainting subsided, I am excited. Yes, I chose the colour 'Titanium' as seen below and no, I didn't get my Swiffer.
Since I was in the area this morning, I thought a quick drive-by of the Design Centre was in order so that I could take pictures of my updated choices. For those who don't know, for my building phase, Mattamy changed kitchen suppliers. In doing so, I had to go in and re-select my kitchen and bathroom selections.
Cabinet - Soho Maple
Counter Top - Jamocha Granite
My counter top is a little lighter than my previous selection. However I'm actually glad I picked this counter top. I think it complements the cabinet and backsplash a whole lot better. But I won't really be sure until it's installed and I see it all together. Floor tile didn't change but I thought I would put it in the picture for perspective.
Master Bathroom
Cabinet - Saratoga Maple
Counter Top - Mississippi BedrockNow this was a change. Originally I had a rusty coloured counter top. This selection is certainly different. But I think it works. I kept the listello tile in rust to add a splash of colour to the shower so I'm hoping it won't suck when it's in. Doubt it but you never can tell.
Since I haven't been out to the site for a while, I thought I would venture out this morning and see what I could see. I discovered that my house was gift wrapped - all that was needed was a pretty little bow on top! I managed to peek in the front door and could see framing done with electrical roughed in. I could see my door to the garage, rough in for powder room plumbing and in the distance I could see the furnace. I didn't venture inside as the workers were there and I didn't want to interrupt. But I do expect my framewalk in the next week or two so I'll charging the camera battery and getting my tape measure, pen and paper ready for measurements.
I also started comparison shopping for my washer and dryer. Now, let me clarify an issue here. I originally thought I wanted Samsung VRT however I am also now considering LG series. Both offer the same options that I want - it's just a matter of prying the wallet from my hands, opening it and handing over my Mastercard. Not an easy thing to do for a frugal Frannie like myself.
It's funny how life works sometimes. When I went into The Brick today, I fully expected to walk in and walk out and be done with it. What I didn't expect was to purchase appliances that I had admired but thought were out of the realm of possibility. Well, thanks to Melis, I was purchased a couple of Samsung appliances.
Refrigerator - 19 cu ft Bottom Mount Refrigerator
This refrigerator is one nice looking cooler! With a blue LED front panel, this baby has tempered glass shelves and a movable fresh box. And being Energy Star is also a nice bonus. My fridge will be black but I couldn't find a picture anywhere to post.
Stove - Samsung 5.7 cu ft
This stove has a steam clean feature with a 5th stove top element meant for warming. This will be a great relief to have when it's my turn to host Christmas! Again, I couldn't locate a picture which shows the appliance in black so use your imagination.
Dishwasher - Whirlpool Tall Tub
I stuck with Whirlpool for a couple of reasons. Price being one of them. And the fact that I wanted to stick to one of my original choices. This appliance has the Energy Star rating as well.
All in all, it was an excellent and surprisingly affordable experience. With my credit from Mattamy, my out of pocket expenses were less than I expected. I was also pleasantly surprised to learn that The Brick will deliver my appliances prior to closing and Mattamy will install them. What could be better?With such a pleasant experience with Melis at The Brick, it is very likely I will return there to purchase my washer and dryer, which, coincidentally, are Samsung....
Just wanted to give a quick update on brand new information:
I am meeting with Melis at The Brick tomorrow afternoon to place my order for my kitchen appliances. I am excited at how things are moving along and it's all seeming a bit more real. Yay! If you take a look at my previous posts, you will see what kitchen appliances I will be selecting and hope to get a good price!
Second, my builder, Adrian, replied to an email that I sent earlier this week requesting permission to enter my house and take pictures. Adrian responded by informing me that my framewalk will be occurring within the next couple of weeks! Again, very excited to see progress being made on all fronts!
I will be heading out to the site on Saturday so I will snap a pic or two to appease the masses and satisfy my own selfish wants!
As promised, I have finally decided on a laundry pair. After much searching, humming and hawing, I have chosen:
Washer - Samsung 4.0 cu ft High Efficiency Front Washer
This baby offers VRT - Vibration Reduction Technology - which, in layman terms, reduces noise while on the spin cycle, which is 1100 RPM. While the laundry will be downstairs, I also wanted a laundry pair that would be long lasting. I also wanted a washer / dryer that could accommodate duvets / comforters.
Dryer - Samsung 7.3 cu ft Super Capacity Electric Dryer
This dryer offers Sensor Dry technology which detects moisture level in the load and adjusts the drying time to save time and even better, money. It also offers Wrinkle Prevent option which intermittently tumble dries clothes at the end of the drying cycle to help prevent wrinkles from setting in.
Well, it's a relief to have these decisions made. All that's left now is to price compare with various retailers here in Ottawa and get the best price.